Saturday, April 3, 2010

Tinsel Wires

It is in fact no need to explain of all the metals used throughout the world copper wire comes on the top. It contains a lot of features and its use in the life of modern people is very significant. It has a major role in the arena of electrical segment where it is used in numerous ways. It is a very good conductor of electricity so its primary use is in manufacturing wire. Although other materials can also be used for manufacturing purposes but the most preferred one is copper.

Copper wires
are available in both insulated and non insulated forms as depending on the requirements and the form of copper wire (ground wire) that has no insulation and protection is known as bare copper wire. Bare copper wire is used as a base of cables and wire and thus it plays a major role in cable industries. It is usually available in smaller AWG sizes because it facilitates more flexibility when bending around corners is performed. But when it comes to the demand of maximum flexibility then tinsel wire is undoubtedly comes first due to its ability of resistance to failures. It is mainly found in cords used for telephones and it is made by wrapping several strands of thin copper foil around a textile core. Flexibility increases as a result of thinness of the foil.

Most of the users consider only flexible wires as the best ones but sometimes stiffness is also required when there is a consideration of sending a long wire through conduit. Another form of ground wire is THHN when outdoor wiring is required and it is used in insulated form to protect against climate conditions like moisture. Another type is Braided Copper Wire which is used in electric appliances, electric stove and storage battery.

Coating of tin on copper wire is performed when it is used in heaters and high temperature instruments. A step by step process is used for this process. First electrolytic process occurs in which material passes through the chemical tank and by using electric current on the tin slab the process comes to completion. The second process is hot dip process in which the tin slab is melted into an electric pot and the material that is going to be made passed through it.

Recycling of copper wire is also in use today and people are continuously growing their business with the recycling of this important material. Because of the wide use of copper wiring in electrical and automobile segments it is very easy to utilize the copper wire when there is no longer any requirement of copper wire in the equipments.

One thing should be kept in mind before buying the copper wire that it must purchased from a reputed company in the market as there is a wide range of manufactures and exporters available. It provides reliability of the product with an appropriate usage of your money. It is a metal that is worth of its cost always so consideration of buying the best must be kept in mind.

1 comment:

  1. That's really a good idea. Thanks for sharing this useful information with us.You can contact Precision Drawell Pvt Ltd website for profile wire manufactures in india.
