Friday, July 15, 2011

Uses of Tinned Copper Wire and Flexible Connectors

Tinned copper wire is renowned for its exceptional water resistant property because of which it is chosen to be one of the most preferred material used in the construction of boating and other marine equipment. These are also needed in constructing the overhead power sources in light and heavy transit systems. Tinned copper wire is an essential raw material used in various domains.

High specification braided copper connectors also maximum conductivity as well as minimum voltage drop. Without the loss of flexibility in the braid they serve their purpose dutifully without fail. These are used to transmit current between those conducting mediums which are subject to motion.

Braided copper connectors and copper flexible connectors have an important role to play in electrical distribution, automobile industries, and switchgear as they provide maximum conductivity as well as minimum millivolt drop. Since copper flexible connectors are very flexible they do not break when force is applied on them.


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