Copper wire comes with very high conductivity and is used as an essential component in various electrical and electronic equipments. When you form a tin coating over the copper wire the wire becomes more durable and strong. Tinned copper wire is know to be of better quality as compared to the simple copper wire as they are more reliable. It is known that tinned copper wire lasts 10 times more than a non-tinned one.
They can resists corrosion better and have higher conductivity. Various copper products such as bare copper wire, tinned wire, etc. are used extensively in various arenas.
You can produce tin coated copper wire through the process called hot dipping; here the copper strands are dipped in the melted tin. You can also electroplate, wherein you use a rectifier as well as electrical charge in order to tin copper and finally produce tin coated copper wire.
Since the electrical sector depends so much upon copper, it has been considered one of the most important metals in the life of human beings. Even today when computers form the soul of business communication, copper earns its usage in the manufacturing of various parts of CPU and other electronic gadgets. Since copper works as a very good conductor, they become the first choice while making electrical equipments. Moreover there are huge deposits of copper in the world and the fact that copper can be recycled, minimizes wastage and encourages efficiency.